Mario Kart Racing Wiki

The Bone Rattler is a downloadable ATV in Mario Kart 8 and an unlockable ATV in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. It is based on Dry Bowser.

A CPU-controlled Dry Bowser will sometimes use this ATV, often being paired with the Metal tires.


It is based on Dry Bowser, with a seat that resembles a throne. Unlike the other ATVs, it only has three wheels, more referencing a trike. Dry Bowser's emblem can be spotted on the back portion of the vehicle, and the seat also has colors that reference his shell.

How to unlock[]

Mario Kart 8
  • Purchase the Animal Crossing X Mario Kart 8 DLC.
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
  • Collect as many coins as you can and hope you get lucky.


Mario Kart 8[]

It offers good weight and traction, but low acceleration and handling, and the speed gives no effect. It stats are identical to the Tanooki Kart.

Stat Name Stat Value
Speed 0
Acceleration -0.25
Weight +0.25
Handling -0.25
Traction +0.25

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe[]

This time, it gives a slight increase in speed and a strong weight increase, making it one of the heaviest karts in the game. However, it still has low acceleration and handling, but with a greater decrease. Its Traction now gives no effect. It shares its stats with the Steel Driver and the Tri-Speeder.

Stat Name Stat Value
Speed +0.25
Acceleration -0.75
Weight +0.5
Handling -0.5
Traction 0

Staff Ghost usage[]

* - Retro Track
+ - DLC Track


Mario Kart 8 / Deluxe vehicle parts
Bodies Karts Standard KartPipe FrameMach 8Steel DriverCat CruiserCircuit SpecialTri-SpeederBadwagonPrancerBiddybuggyLandshipSneekerSports CoupeGold StandardGLA+ • W 25 Silver Arrow+ • 300 SL Roadster+ • Blue Falcon+ • Tanooki Kart+ • B Dasher+ • Streetle+ • P-Wing+ • Koopa Clown*
Bikes Standard BikeCometSport BikeThe DukeFlame RiderVarmintMr. ScootyJet BikeYoshi BikeMaster Cycle+ • Master Cycle Zero* • City Tripper+
ATVs Standard ATVWild WigglerTeddy BuggyBone Rattler+ • Splat Buggy* • Inkstriker*
Wheels StandardMonsterRollerSlimSlickMetalButtonOff-RoadSpongeWoodCushionBlue StandardHot MonsterAzure RollerCrimson SlimCyber SlickRetro Off-RoadGold TiresGLA Tires+ • Triforce Tires+ • Ancient Tires* • Leaf Tires+
Gliders Super GliderCloud GliderWario WingWaddle WingPeach ParasolParachuteParafoilFlower GliderBowser KitePlane GliderMKTV ParafoilGold GliderHylian Kite+ • Paraglider* • Paper Glider+
+ - denotes DLC. • * - denotes exclusivity to Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.