Mario Kart Racing Wiki

The Cat Cruiser is an unlockable kart in Mario Kart 8. It's based on the Cat power-up in Super Mario 3D World, as the kart itself resembles a cat, with the grill resembling whiskers. The Cat Cruiser's coloration is pink and its grill and base color is cream. Its seat is shaped like a cat's paw and is light pink and deep purple, which is the same color as the steering wheel. It also has two orange-colored blinker lights.

It offers no stats, meaning 't gives no effect to the driver's performance. Its stats are identical to the Standard Kart.

A CPU-controlled Peach and Baby Peach may sometimes use this vehicle body, often paired with the Blue Standard, though the former may also use the Retro Off-Road tires with it.

In Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, CPU Cat Peach, Toadette and Peachette occasionally use this kart body paired with the Retro Off-Road tires, while Daisy uses it with the Standard tires instead. The 200cc staff ghost for GBA Ribbon Road has Isabelle ride this body kart with Crimson Slim tires and the Paper Glider.

Unlike in the original game, the Cat Cruiser now shares its stats with the Teddy Buggy and Yoshi Bike. It's stats are changed, now having an increase in Acceleration and Handling.


Stat Name Stat Value
Speed 0
Acceleration 0
Weight 0
Handling 0
Traction 0
Mario Kart 8 / Deluxe vehicle parts
Bodies Karts Standard KartPipe FrameMach 8Steel DriverCat CruiserCircuit SpecialTri-SpeederBadwagonPrancerBiddybuggyLandshipSneekerSports CoupeGold StandardGLA+ • W 25 Silver Arrow+ • 300 SL Roadster+ • Blue Falcon+ • Tanooki Kart+ • B Dasher+ • Streetle+ • P-Wing+ • Koopa Clown*
Bikes Standard BikeCometSport BikeThe DukeFlame RiderVarmintMr. ScootyJet BikeYoshi BikeMaster Cycle+ • Master Cycle Zero* • City Tripper+
ATVs Standard ATVWild WigglerTeddy BuggyBone Rattler+ • Splat Buggy* • Inkstriker*
Wheels StandardMonsterRollerSlimSlickMetalButtonOff-RoadSpongeWoodCushionBlue StandardHot MonsterAzure RollerCrimson SlimCyber SlickRetro Off-RoadGold TiresGLA Tires+ • Triforce Tires+ • Ancient Tires* • Leaf Tires+
Gliders Super GliderCloud GliderWario WingWaddle WingPeach ParasolParachuteParafoilFlower GliderBowser KitePlane GliderMKTV ParafoilGold GliderHylian Kite+ • Paraglider* • Paper Glider+
+ - denotes DLC. • * - denotes exclusivity to Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.