Mario Kart Racing Wiki

Lunar Colony is one of the new Battle Stages in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.


Lunar Colony takes place on the Moon, very similar to Rainbow Road. It is divided into two parts; the moon and the colony, which includes space stations and rockets. Just like GCN Baby Park, Mute City, Big Blue and Sky-High Sundae, racers are always in Anti-gravity mode. On the moon, the gravity here is low, allowing racers to trick off the craters and fly far, similar to the Moon section of Mario Kart 7's Rainbow Road. On the colony section, racers can bump into the Spin Boost Pillars to gain a boost.


Lunar Colony

Donkey Kong, Shy Guy, and Baby Daisy participating in Bob-omb Blast.

  • Many fans consider this to be the coolest battle stage in Mario Kart history.
  • The music for the battle stage seems to be a remix of the end credits for Mario Kart 64.
  • The Alternate Title Screen of Rosalina on the Standard ATV was altered in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe to take place here, but for whatever reason, wasn't altered to have the tires be in anti-gravity mode.
  • This and Galaxy Colosseum are the only battle stages that takes place outer space.


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Mario Kart 8 (Deluxe) courses
New cups Mushroom Cup Mario Kart StadiumWater ParkSweet Sweet CanyonThwomp Ruins
Flower Cup Mario CircuitToad HarborTwisted MansionShy Guy Falls
Star Cup Sunshine AirportDolphin ShoalsElectrodromeMount Wario
Special Cup Cloudtop CruiseBone-Dry DunesBowser's CastleRainbow Road
Retro cups Shell Cup Wii Moo Moo MeadowsGBA Mario CircuitDS Cheep Cheep BeachN64 Toad's Turnpike
Banana Cup GCN Dry Dry DesertSNES Donut Plains 3N64 Royal Raceway3DS DK Jungle
Leaf Cup DS Wario StadiumGCN Sherbet Land3DS Music ParkN64 Yoshi Valley
Lightning Cup DS Tick-Tock Clock3DS Piranha Plant SlideWii Grumble VolcanoN64 Rainbow Road
DLC cups + Egg Cup GCN Yoshi CircuitExcitebike ArenaDragon DriftwayMute City
Triforce Cup Wii Wario's Gold MineSNES Rainbow RoadIce Ice OutpostHyrule Circuit
Crossing Cup GCN Baby ParkGBA Cheese LandWild WoodsAnimal Crossing
Bell Cup 3DS Neo Bowser CityGBA Ribbon RoadSuper Bell SubwayBig Blue
Booster Course Pass cups + * * Golden Dash Cup Tour Paris Promenade3DS Toad CircuitN64 Choco MountainWii Coconut Mall
Lucky Cat Cup Tour Tokyo BlurDS Shroom RidgeGBA Sky GardenNinja Hideaway
Turnip Cup Tour New York MinuteSNES Mario Circuit 3N64 Kalimari DesertDS Waluigi Pinball
Propeller Cup Tour Sydney SprintGBA Snow LandWii Mushroom GorgeSky-High Sundae
Rock Cup Tour London LoopGBA Boo Lake3DS Rock Rock MountainWii Maple Treeway
Moon Cup Tour Berlin BywaysDS Peach GardensMerry Mountain3DS Rainbow Road
Fruit Cup Tour Amsterdam DriftGBA Riverside ParkWii DK SummitYoshi's Island
Boomerang Cup Tour Bangkok RushDS Mario CircuitGCN Waluigi StadiumTour Singapore Speedway
Feather Cup Tour Athens DashGCN Daisy CruiserWii Moonview HighwaySqueaky Clean Sprint
Cherry Cup Tour Los Angeles LapsGBA Sunset WildsWii Koopa CapeTour Vancouver Velocity
Acorn Cup Tour Rome AvantiGCN DK MountainWii Daisy CircuitPiranha Plant Cove
Spiny Cup Tour Madrid Drive3DS Rosalina's Ice WorldSNES Bowser Castle 3Wii Rainbow Road
Battle Courses Mario Circuit * • Toad Harbor * • Wii Moo Moo Meadows * • GCN Dry Dry Desert * • SNES Donut Plains 3 * • N64 Toad's Turnpike * • GCN Sherbet Land * • N64 Yoshi Valley *
Battle Stadium * * • Sweet Sweet Kingdom * * • Dragon Palace * * • Lunar Colony * * • 3DS Wuhu Town * * • GCN Luigi's Mansion * * • SNES Battle Course 1 * * • Urchin Underpass * *
+ - denotes DLC. * - denotes exclusivity to Mario Kart 8. * * - denotes exclusivity to Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.