Mario Kart Racing Wiki

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MarioWiki is using MediaWiki version 1.39.7.
There are 1,234 articles,
and 32,391 pages in total.
There have been 100,129 edits.
There are 10,379 uploaded files.
There are 35,335,806 registered users,
including 5 administrators.
This information is correct as of 23:00 on September 17, 2024.

Hello! Welcome to the Mario Kart Racing Wiki! This is a wiki about the famous Mario Kart series.

As of September 17, 2024, the users of the Mario Kart Racing Wiki have made 1,234 articles and a total of 100,129 edits to our pages.

If you want to help out, just click the Race! button on any page and edit it. Because we sure could use your help, you know!
