Mario Kart Racing Wiki

The Streetle is a kart in Mario Kart 8 that can be used once the Animal Crossing Downloadable Content package is purchased.


The overall appearance of the Streetle is based on a beetle (more specifically, the ones that can be collected in the Animal Crossing series). The bottom of the kart is shaded light green, with a yellow band separating the brown frontal/head section. Silver headlights represent the beetle's eyes, and a small orange dashboard is right in front of the driver's seat. Protruding from the front of the Streetle is a giant orange horn which slopes inwards a little and has a yellow tipped finish (some beetles are known to have horns right there). The light green seat seems to be well cushioned, and the back of the kart is shrouded by two orange plates which imitate a beetle's wings. When using a Boost Pad, Glider, or Anti-gravity sections, these panels will raise up which simulates flying and also exposes the engine and an Animal Crossing logo.


It offers good speed and acceleration, but bad weight and traction.

Stat Name Stat Value
Speed +0.25
Acceleration +0.25
Weight -0.25
Handling 0
Traction -0.5


  • The name "Streetle" is an obvious combination of the words "street" (you know, because Mario Kart has streets) and "beetle".
  • The Streetle's statistics are identical to the Blue Falcon.
  • The coloration of the Streetle matches Sponge tires quite well.
Mario Kart 8 / Deluxe vehicle parts
Bodies Karts Standard KartPipe FrameMach 8Steel DriverCat CruiserCircuit SpecialTri-SpeederBadwagonPrancerBiddybuggyLandshipSneekerSports CoupeGold StandardGLA+ • W 25 Silver Arrow+ • 300 SL Roadster+ • Blue Falcon+ • Tanooki Kart+ • B Dasher+ • Streetle+ • P-Wing+ • Koopa Clown*
Bikes Standard BikeCometSport BikeThe DukeFlame RiderVarmintMr. ScootyJet BikeYoshi BikeMaster Cycle+ • Master Cycle Zero* • City Tripper+
ATVs Standard ATVWild WigglerTeddy BuggyBone Rattler+ • Splat Buggy* • Inkstriker*
Wheels StandardMonsterRollerSlimSlickMetalButtonOff-RoadSpongeWoodCushionBlue StandardHot MonsterAzure RollerCrimson SlimCyber SlickRetro Off-RoadGold TiresGLA Tires+ • Triforce Tires+ • Ancient Tires* • Leaf Tires+
Gliders Super GliderCloud GliderWario WingWaddle WingPeach ParasolParachuteParafoilFlower GliderBowser KitePlane GliderMKTV ParafoilGold GliderHylian Kite+ • Paraglider* • Paper Glider+
+ - denotes DLC. • * - denotes exclusivity to Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.