Mario Kart Racing Wiki
Starman (Mario Kart Wii) This article is not to be confused with the GCN Track, Waluigi Stadium (GCN). Starman (Mario Kart Wii)

Waluigi Stadium is the second track of the Waluigi Cup in Mario Kart Arcade GP 2.


Starman (Mario Kart Wii) This section of this article needs more information, remove this template when enough is made. Starman (Mario Kart Wii)

This track takes place in the same location in Stadium Arena, but has a different route. Racers start in a dirt section of the track with high bumps, which then leads to a pit with green liquid and robotic dinosaurs. After this green pit is a chain ramp that leads to the top of the course. This road eventually leads racers back to the starting line. Just as Stadium Arena, this course has many robotic dinosaurs in it.

