Mario Kart Racing Wiki

The Yoshi Bike (ヨッシーバイク Yosshī Baiku) is an unlockable bike in Mario Kart 8 and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.


It's one of the few bikes that have an inside drift, and the second bike to be named after a character; the first being the Wario Bike named after Wario. It is also the third if you added the Flame Runner, called the Bowser Bike in European regions.

As the name implies, the bike is modeled after Yoshi with a pair of movable arms that usually extend when the racer uses the vehicle's glider. Also, Yoshi eggs decorate the wheel's spindles.

In races, a computer-controlled Baby Mario or Toad may use the Yoshi Bike, equipped with Monster or Crimson Slim tires, respectively.

How to unlock[]

To unlock the Yoshi Bike, the player needs to collect a certain amount of Coins. The required amount of coins set is always randomized from 50 Coins to 2800.


It offers good acceleration and handling, but bad weight and traction. Its speed gives no effect. Its stats are identical with the Sport Bike, Jet Bike, and Comet.

Stat Name Stat Value
Speed 0
Acceleration +0.75
Weight -0.25
Handling +0.75
Traction -1.25
Mario Kart 8 / Deluxe vehicle parts
Bodies Karts Standard KartPipe FrameMach 8Steel DriverCat CruiserCircuit SpecialTri-SpeederBadwagonPrancerBiddybuggyLandshipSneekerSports CoupeGold StandardGLA+ • W 25 Silver Arrow+ • 300 SL Roadster+ • Blue Falcon+ • Tanooki Kart+ • B Dasher+ • Streetle+ • P-Wing+ • Koopa Clown*
Bikes Standard BikeCometSport BikeThe DukeFlame RiderVarmintMr. ScootyJet BikeYoshi BikeMaster Cycle+ • Master Cycle Zero* • City Tripper+
ATVs Standard ATVWild WigglerTeddy BuggyBone Rattler+ • Splat Buggy* • Inkstriker*
Wheels StandardMonsterRollerSlimSlickMetalButtonOff-RoadSpongeWoodCushionBlue StandardHot MonsterAzure RollerCrimson SlimCyber SlickRetro Off-RoadGold TiresGLA Tires+ • Triforce Tires+ • Ancient Tires* • Leaf Tires+
Gliders Super GliderCloud GliderWario WingWaddle WingPeach ParasolParachuteParafoilFlower GliderBowser KitePlane GliderMKTV ParafoilGold GliderHylian Kite+ • Paraglider* • Paper Glider+
+ - denotes DLC. • * - denotes exclusivity to Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.